The Science
The Basics of the Science behind Diet-based Gender Swaying.

As you might know, the sperm of the man determines the sex of the child.
The woman’s egg always has an X-chromosome.
Each sperm carries either an X- or Y-chromosome.
If the sperm that fertilises the egg carries an X-chromosome the baby will be XX and will become a girl:
X + X = GIRL
If the sperm carries a Y-chromosome the baby will be XY, a boy:
X + Y = BOY
But what factors influence which sperm will fertilize the egg? The egg is not just passive; it plays an active role in selecting the sperm. The biochemical environment around the egg and the egg itself can affect which sperm succeeds.
Understanding these factors can help increase your chances of conceiving a boy or a girl.
Many different gender swaying factors have been researched throughout history. The most popular theory, introduced by Landrum Shettles in the 1960s, suggested that the timing of intercourse can impact gender. He believed that male (Y) sperm are faster but more fragile than female (X) sperm, recommending intercourse a few days before ovulation to conceive a girl. However, this theory is controversial and lacks scientific evidence, especially based on modern scientific technology. Other timing methods and studies question and even contradict Shettles' findings. In comparative studies, diet was shown clearly as the more influential factor.

From all the factors researched on having an impact on gender outcome, the most convincing results have emerged regarding the mother's diet, specifically the intake of certain minerals, with evidence gathered over the last 100 years.
In the 1920s, a scientist named Curt Herbst made a fascinating observation that would later prove to be groundbreaking in the field of sex determination. Herbst was studying marine worms called Bonellia viridis and noticed that increasing potassium levels in the aquarium water led to a significant rise in male offspring.
This discovery sparked further research on the connection between minerals in a mother's diet and the gender of her offspring. Since Herbst's pioneering study, numerous animal and human studies have confirmed the link between maternal mineral intake and gender outcome, providing a growing body of evidence.
Some key studies on humans are:
Following a number of confirming human studies on the link between mineral balance and gender outcome in the 1970s and 1980s, François Papa opened the first gender swaying clinic in Paris. Can the food a woman eats before conception actually influence the chances of conceiving a girl or boy? Dr. Papa affirmatively said yes.
At his clinic, he perfected dietary recommendations tailored for couples desiring a girl or boy. His precise balance of minerals in the diet led to success rates of above 80%. He conducted a study with over 200 women who followed only his dietary guidelines, avoiding any other gender swaying method. They achieved a success rate between 70 and 80%.
He published a book titled 'Boy or Girl: Choosing Your Child through Your Diet,' (click here for an excerpt).

Modern studies confirm these findings.
A groundbreaking study conducted by reputable Oxford researchers led by Mathews et al. (2008) attracted widespread attention in media and society. The researchers examined the pre-conceptional mineral intake of 740 women in the United Kingdom and discovered a striking correlation between the prevalence of certain minerals and the gender of their offspring. Mothers who consumed higher levels of sodium and potassium in their diet before conception were more likely to give birth to boys. In 2010, a widely discussed study by Noorlander reported success rates of over 80%.
Boutique gender swaying clinics around the world are now focusing on diet. Some gynaecologists in various countries have developed meal plans to support women's gender swaying efforts. In 2016, a comprehensive study by scientists around Mahmoud Edessy with a 76% success rate for the desired gender came to the following conclusion:
"This study concluded that the diet method (relative excess of sodium and potassium ions) would favour the birth of males, while relative excess of Ca and Mg ions in the diet would favour the birth of females.
So by altering diet to include and exclude certain food,the condition in the reproductive tract will be directly affected;increasing the number of a particular sex."

A recent study in 2022 reported success rates of over 80%. The accumulation of evidence from these studies convincingly demonstrates a connection between the minerals in a mother's diet and the gender outcome of her child.
Compared to other factors being researched for their potential influence on gender, the minerals in the mother's diet have the strongest scientific support and evidence.
Gender Sway is committed to working with the scientific community to advance this research further.
Please get in touch if you want to discuss the science in more depth. We also cover the scientific background of diet-based gender swaying in detail as part of our Swaying Masterclass 'Diet'.