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Sway Factor - Info per 100g

Ready to boost your gender sway efforts? Our innovative Sway Factor tool makes it easy to understand how the ratio of minerals in foods can help you sway pink or blue. Discover which foods favor your goal, which ones need to be avoided or well-balanced, and which are safe for both!

The higher the Sway Factor score, the more favorable for swaying towards a girl; the lower the score, the more favorable for swaying towards a boy. Just watch the Dominant Mineral to ensure you’re not relying too much on one mineral, particularly not only sodium-based foods for your boy sway.


How to Interpret the Hearts (Sway Factor Colour):

  • 💖 Pink: Foods with a higher ratio of calcium and magnesium compared to sodium and potassium, supporting a sway towards conceiving a girl.

  • 💙 Blue: Foods with a higher ratio of sodium and potassium relative to calcium and magnesium, supporting a sway towards conceiving a boy.

  • 💚 Green: Foods with minimal sway mineral content, making them safe to include in either diet from a swaying perspective. This can also include foods with a clear pink or blue Sway Factor Score but such low mineral content that they won’t significantly impact your sway.

  • 🖤 Black: Mixed mineral content. Foods in this range contain all four minerals in relatively balanced amounts, without a clear sway direction. These foods should be carefully assessed and either avoided or strategically balanced with other foods to avoid compromising the sway effect. Use our Food Guide, Recipes, Snacks, and Meal Plans for guidance, tips, and tricks.

Additional Information:

  • The detailed food data is provided per 100g, giving a consistent measure across all foods and making it easy to compare sway impacts. For more realistic information—especially for items typically consumed in smaller portions—please consult the 'Per Portion' data.

  • The Dominant Mineral shows which mineral is most influential in each food, helping you fine-tune your diet and understand which foods need careful balancing.

  • Use the search function for quick look-ups. If you notice any missing food items, please reach out, and we’ll be happy to add them.

  • The information provided is of a general nature, as mineral levels can vary between products. Always check labels if available, and reach out if you need help interpreting the data.


For more information on the various food categories, tips, and tricks, explore the Food Guides, as well as SwayPink or SwayBlue Recipes, Snacks, and Meal Plans to further enhance your journey. Whether you’re aiming for pink or blue, this tool empowers you to adjust your diet with confidence!

Note: Always consult with your healthcare provider before making significant dietary changes.

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Disclaimer: The information provided is for general informational and educational purposes only, not medical advice. Use this information at your own risk. The information provided is suitable for the general population without underlying medical conditions. It is essential to understand that no method can guarantee the gender of a baby. Always consult with your healthcare professional before making lifestyle or dietary changes. Please read our detailed Disclaimer

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